Senior Design December 2018
Final Presentation LinkZach Reznicek
Lead Software Engineer
Johnathan Germick
Team Leader
Cody Neltner
Rob Holm
Quality Engineer
Nicolaus Cory
Application Engineer
Dr. Tin-Shi Tam
Gary Tuttle
Faculty Adivsor
First Big Update
February 27, 2018
This image doesn't look like much, but it is the start of the graphical portion of our project. At this point in development, the software is able to correctly parse and call Python functions from our C++ source code, which we will eventually use to interact with some LED lights placed on each of the keys. It is also able to parse and extract useful data from MIDI files thanks to an open source library called Midifile. The goal is to use the MIDI data to draw rectangles similar to the image in such a way that the rectangles fall in accordance to the notes in a MIDI file.
Concept Sketch
March 9,2018
This is a rough sketch of what our screen will look like on the model.
Website design by Zach Reznicek
Built with MaterializeCSS